Saturday, October 27, 2012

6th Grade Field Trip - West Wing - Oval Office - Oct 26, 2012

Every student's introduction to our government should be one that leaves a lasting impression of how fortunate they are to be living in America.
Naturally a trip to Washington, D.C. featuring a tour of Capitol Hill, viewing the Congress and the Senate in session, along with seeing our Supreme Court in action would be the most desirable. But now, there is a local option for your students.

Students will be given the opportunity to experience hands-on learning including:
  • A film describing the obstacles our founding fathers overcame in establishing our government.
  • Tests and puzzles to challenge student's knowledge of our government and its structure.
  • Biographies describing the lives of famous Presidents.
  • A detailed scale model of Capitol Hill including our famous monuments.
  • Detailed replicas depicting the interiors and the House, Senate, and Supreme Court buildings in session.
  • The Oval Office - the highlight of the tour. Entering the Oval Office will take your breath away.
  • An interactive computer program that simulates a day in the life of the President of the United States. In this program a student can write a bill, balance the budget, nominate judges for the Supreme Court, do a press conference as well as learn about other important events that occurred during other presidential administrations.

U.S. Senate
An exact replica built by Hollywood set designers, this will be an experience one will not soon forget. Bring your cameras for a photo opportunity with the "President of the United States of America" in the Oval Office. We believe that this hands-on tour of Capitol Hill will be a memorable learning experience that will enhance your classroom curriculum. We certainly hope to see you and your class at the Quality West Wing Oval Office Tour - Washington D.C. right in your own back yard! 

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